Author: Matthew

  • Learning SwiftUI – Again

    I wrote last week about the six-month app challenge I am working on; which is to release an iPad app in the next six months.

    Over the past couple of years I have mostly been working with progressive web apps or in recent times a Maui app written in C#. I haven’t done much at all with SwiftUI for those couple of years, so this week I decided to take a refresher so that I could remember how SwiftUI apps work and are built. Native iOS dev is my favourite, but working on multi-platform codebases has been interesting too.

    With Notic Meet being a SwiftUI-based app, I need to relearn this as I work on it, but I needed a quick refresher so that I could get started.

    What I do remember being reasonably easy is the concept of how views work. I don’t mean to belittle a designer’s role when I say easy. I’m more meaning that the mechanics of using views is relatively simple. Making it look good is the real challenge.

    A SwiftUI app begins in the “YourApp.swift” file which creates a scene with a WindowGroup and within that, the initial view is added. The default is called ContentView.

    YourApp.swift could look like this:

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

    ContentView is declared as a struct and conforms to the View protocol which requires a body that returns “some” view. When creating a new SwiftUI file you are given this:

    import SwiftUI
    struct Test: View {
        var body: some View {
            Text("Hello, World!")
    struct Test_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {

    I called this view Test. It has a body that returns some View. Some is an opaque return type, meaning we must return a view. SwiftUI has many views built in, but as long as the view used conforms to the View protocol, then it can be returned. In this particular example, the view being returned is Text(“Hello, World!”) which puts that message in the middle of the screen.

    One question you might have is about “returning” some View. You don’t see the word return in this code. That is because we don’t need it. Just having Text(“….”) is enough.

    The Test_Previews struct is used to create a preview in Xcode to see what your app looks like as you build the view. This returns Test() which is the actual view. Although Test currently has no parameters, if it did we would need to pass in some fake data when we return Test in the preview. I’ll show how that works in a later post.

    The neat thing about SwiftUI is being able to nest views in views. If we want to display more than just text, we can wrap them in a list, a vertical stack (VStack), a horizontal stack (HStack) and others. The example below shows how we can make a static table:

    List {
        Text("Hello, World!")
        Text("Goodbye, World!")

    We are still returning the single view, which in this case is a List, but within that list, we have two Text views.

    We don’t need to use the SwiftUI-provided views. This particular view is called Test. We could pull Test into ContentView as follows:

    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
            NavigationView {

    In the example above, the Test view is nested in a NavigationView. The NavigationView provides navigation for the project although it is lacking a title which can be added in just after Test as follows:

    .navigationTitle("Test Nav")

    To align text, change style such as colour, font etc… you can apply modifiers. If you add .padding() below one of the Text views you will see a default amount of padding being added around the text.

    Text("Hello, World!")

    I found this part of views very simple to follow. You return a View. It doesn’t matter what view you return as long as it conforms to View. This way you can build up the look of your app and add in modifiers to change the layout a little more.

    The Plan

    Notic Meet will be using SwiftUI. I am not experienced enough to know if it will work for all that is needed. A lot of UI will be pretty boilerplate. The app will have a simple look and layout. I don’t know SwiftUI well enough to know its weaknesses yet, although I will post my findings as I build the app.

    The next step is to finish relearning SwiftUI because I will need things like core data, and CloudKit, as well as to understand the design patterns of SwiftUI. At the moment I am mostly familiar with just Swift and MVC as well as MVVM. I typically leaned more towards MVVM with my work in Swift in days gone past, but as of yet, I don’t remember too much about the structure of a SwiftUI app.

    I am familiar with @StateObject, @Published, and @EnvironmentObject, but couldn’t explain that without having to study them quickly first. That will come though and I expect by the end of September there will be good progress to see something working for Notic Meet.

  • The App Challenge: Zero to Product in Six Months

    I have been thinking about building a particular product for a couple of years now but just haven’t made, or perhaps kept, the commitment to keep working on it. Rather than keeping to myself, I thought it would be wise to share with the world what I’ll be working on with the aim of being held accountable to someone. As I work through this challenge for the next six months I’ll be sharing what I am doing along the way.

  • Welcome

    Welcome to This is my blog about dev in general, from the books I read to the code I write and the side-projects I am building. My life is pretty full of adventure and responsibilities, such as being married, having five children, ages 14 and under, and responsibilities in my church life.

    This blog will cover how I work and what I am learning.

    Speaking of the books I read, they are not often programming related, although my aim in the coming years is to venture more into reading books, such as The Pragmatic Programmer, and write short reviews about what I read and how it has helped me in my career.

    As well as reading programming books, I may share reviews of other books if there is some relation to how I work and how it helps me day today be a better developer or better at how I work.

    I’m working on a couple of things for my side projects right now. One is a note-taking app explicitly aimed at meetings and how action points are captured and followed up. The need for the app has arisen from my responsibilities over the last 20 years of being in meetings and capturing the essential things discussed. I aim to create a more simple way that works for me and, in the process, perhaps help others.

    For now, comments are left open, so please ask questions, and I’ll endeavour to reply promptly.

  • Using GraphQL in Laravel with Lighthouse PHP

    Although I wrote about how to create a model and controller with one command line, it will be unlikely that I will need to do this for the API I build because I am actually going to be using GraphQL. I first used GraphQL last year when I maintained an API for a company and also built a new API with it for a messaging service to be used within the same company internally. To use GraphQL with Laravel I will be using the lighthouse-php framework.

  • Creating a Controller and Model in Laravel

    I recently started building a new SaaS product for note-taking. It’s very early on in development. This series of posts serves partly to remind me how to do something, and also as a way to help anyone who is searching. This series is not intended to be a comprehensive series of posts to cover everything Laravel, but rather just what I come across and need reminding of at a later date.

  • Moving Chessboard Pieces with Pygame

    I am working in a small team of friends learning Python. To learn the basics of it we decided to build a chess game. This is the third post about it. You can see part 1 and part 2 here.

    In this post, I will cover how I move the chess pieces. I do not know if this is the correct way, but for now, it works. I need to create a chessboard class and also move some of the properties of the board to there such as the squares, but for now, the chessboard is just a method in The code below shows part of the main loop that deals with mouse clicks.

  • Creating a Chessboard with Pygame Part 2

    Recently I wrote about learning Python by creating a chess game. I am new to Python, although not new to programming. Python has intrigued me for the last few months, especially how popular it seems to be (second place on GitHub fourth quarter 2020). When an opportunity came up to work with some friends and learn it I jumped at it.

    Chess Game

    In the last post about the chess game I wrote about getting familiar with Pygame and was able to programmatically draw a chessboard on the screen. I didn’t make much of an attempt at classes and structuring the program in any good way. In this post, I want to show what I have managed to accomplish as part of my teamwork. The image above shows how it looks now when I run the program.

  • How to Ignore Files with Git that Have Already been Committed

    After setting up the beginnings of the chess game in my IDE I found that there were a lot of files that I accidentally committed but did not need committing as they were related to the IDE. The others in the group are using different IDE’s and have no need to see those files related to my IDE. Adding the folders to .gitignore wasn’t enough to remove what was already committed and pushed to GitHub.

    After searching around StackOverflow I came across this post which pointed me in the right direction. I ended up using the command suggested by Nate in response to the accepted answer. I’m not keen on copying/pasting but figured that since I won’t be pushing any updates until I see it works then this will be fine. If everything broke, I could just re-clone the project.

    The command I used:

    git ls-files -i -z --exclude-from=.gitignore | xargs -0 git rm --cached
  • Creating a Chessboard with Pygame Part 1

    I mentioned recently that I was learning Python. I’m working with a few friends on learning the basics. My background is mostly Objective-C and in recent years, Swift. I also programmed in PHP last year for several months working with Laravel, Lumen, Lighthouse, and GraphQL.

    To learn Python we decided to begin looking at making a chess game using Pygame. This post shows my attempt to get the chessboard on the screen. I opted to store the coordinates of each square in a class along with their size and if they are black or white. I don’t yet know if this is an efficient way, but for now, it’s helping me learn the Python syntax and work with a few nested loops and a multidimensional list.

  • Learning SwiftUI

    In 2020 I swapped from primarily doing iOS development to doing some backend PHP work for several months where I used a custom microservices framework and then switched to Lumen, and then to Laravel, and then integrated GraphQL with Lighthouse to make backend APIs for a couple of different projects. It was all good fun for those months, but I’m now back to what I enjoy most which is iOS app development.

    With SwiftUI launching at WWDC in 2019, I didn’t get to spend much time using it other than running a few tests to see what it was like and becoming familiar with Text, VStack, HStack, and various other views. I liked it in 2019. It was only this year, 2021 when I decided to pick up on it again more seriously.

    What I have found so far is that SwiftUI is great at some things, but introduces new challenges of breaking away from the traditional way of structuring a program. In the past, I structured my projects so that the ViewController contained just enough code to handle putting information on the view and responding to touches. The logic was separated into business objects which then communicated with various models. This allowed for the logic of the app to be reused elsewhere in the app and not be tied to a single view.

    To get more familiar with how SwiftUI works and how it works in an app environment I have started creating a test app to work out what works well. One good example I found from Apple is the Fruta test app that utilises a three-column layout, state objects, nested SwiftUI views, models, amongst other things. Although I won’t be using the three-column layout for my tests, I will be using the other things mentioned, but I won’t really be mentioning what I’m using specifically in this post. I simply wanted to mention Fruta because it’s a great example from Apple.
