
  • How I Make my WordPress Blogs Run Faster

    Update 11 Jan 2021: This site is back on WordPress again.

    Update 21 Jan 2017: TechFright posts were merged in to which runs on Jekyll. I also moved away from PowerVPS a few years ago and went with WebSynthesis for my other blog. I also use a shared MediaTemple account. Some of this content is now out of date. runs on a VPS server from PowerVPS at the moment. The blog runs alongside several of my other blogs which some are occasionally updated and another is regularly updated. Most get a little amount of traffic each month while others get several hundred visitors a month and one gets a few thousand visitors a day. I run on the fuse basic hosting package which costs $109/month (although I used a coupon to get something like 20 or 25% off of that). I use Centos 5.8 on that VPS which comes with WHM and cPanel. I have used Window hosting extensively before moving to Linux a few years ago but find Linux far easier to work with when using WordPress (for example, rewriting URLs is easier). But, go with what you find familiar.

    I want to keep my largest blog (a gadget blog) running as fast as possible with the cleanest code. To achieve this I go to what you might call extreme lengths to keep pages loading fast and WordPress working well. Here’s a few things that I have done to shave a few seconds off the page load speed.

    The Genesis Framework

    For a long time I was a big fan of the Thesis theme from DIY themes. Looking back through my emails, I purchased a developers licence in April 2008. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t get my site to look how I wanted it to look when wanting to redesign a few months ago, so I switched. I still think the Thesis framework works extremely well and still feel confident in using it from a technical standpoint. I can also manage hooks quite well now and customise the look of my websites, but unfortunately I just don’t have the skills to take the design to the next level and also found it difficult to find themes that I liked. For this reason I dropped Thesis in favour of the Genesis Framework. I did this because of the child themes that you can purchase for relatively cheap. The link just above there gives you a rundown of the technical aspect of Genesis.

    I currently use several themes which include Freelance, Magazine, Minimum (I like this one!!) and one called Sample. Price wise, the framework and 1 theme seems to cost $79.95 but when you buy that, you can use it on unlimited sites. You can then also buy child themes at a discount and they usually cost around $20, again they come standard with the unlimited option.

    Rather than messing with hooks, I tend to use the Genesis Simple Hooks plugin (for free) which allows you to paste PHP code in to the one of many hooks found in WordPress. I wont go in to the technicalities of using hooks instead of editing theme files, but in simple terms it prevents the need to modify the theme code making it easier to update your theme at a later date.

    The page load speed isn’t really recognisable with the Genesis Framework, but the reason I use it is because it is a good foundation for a blog and this is important.

    Replace Apache with Litespeed

    This is perhaps one of the best enhancements that my blog received. Apache is the standard install at PowerVPS but I had recently read about Litespeed as a replacement for Apache. At the moment I am running on a trial licence for the next 10 or so days and at that point I will decide if I am going to lease a licence for it or opt for another host such as that supports Litespeed for a small cost.

    The benefits are amazing with Litespeed. As I’m running the trial version I only get to utilise 2 CPUs of the 8 on the VPS, but the page load speed has increased as has the waiting time for a page to be served. While running Apache I was seeing a pause of about 3 – 4 seconds with the waiting…. in the status bar at the bottom of the page. Switching to Litespeed the waiting time is now below a second and overall, the blog and the admin area run a lot smoother.

    I recommend trying Litespeed. It is quiet easy to install and I’ll do a tutorial on it at a later date for those who want to install it themselves.

    W3 Total Cache

    Caching is essential for almost all blogs. WordPress is quiet heavy in terms of how many requests are made to the database and how much PHP is needed to render every single page. Although a blog with modest traffic wont struggle without caching you’ll find that if you write something that hits Stumbleupon or gets linked to from a large blog, the blog will fall on its knees. So, install W3 Total Cache.

    What it does is caches pages to either disk or some sort of memory cache like xcache or memcached. When a visitor hits the page for the first time, it renders the page the normal way by querying the database and pulling the images from the disk. The next time a visitor hits that same page, they get served a page from the cache. With pages and posts loading from RAM with Xcache, APC or memcached, it speeds up things a lot and takes load off the CPUs, doesn’t use as many concurrent connections to the MySQL database and doesn’t do much PHP scripting at all. A huge saving for a server. When hundreds of people descend on your post the server can generally handle it with W3 Total Cache because of the load being taken off the server.

    You can also use W3 Total Cache to combine CSS and JS files with Minify as well as do Object caching, Browser caching and database caching (I recommend using some sort of memory cache rather than disk caching for database).

    Memcached, APC or Xcache

    Although caching to disk with W3 Total Cache is possible (there’s a basic and enhanced version), there are several free options that can be installed which as Memcached, APC and Xcache (there are a few others mentioned). Installing one of these is the better way to run caching because it takes the strain off the disk and puts it in to RAM. RAM is far quicker than a regular hard drive, so performance is also a notch higher with these. I’ll also do a post at a later date on how to install Memcached. Although WHM can do some of the installations with the click of a mouse, each of them still require you to edit php.ini to configure them the best way.

    Use MaxCDN to Push Images, Theme files, CSS and JS across Continents

    Because of how the internet works, the further you are away from a server the longer it takes to get the content to you. Adding a few milliseconds per packet of data soon adds up with a homepage that might be 2.5MB in size. A CDN (Content Delivery Network) aims to tackle that problem by placing servers in busy internet areas around the world. I opted for partly due to the price but also because of the good reviews and coverage.

    By putting multiple servers around the world and having your blog push content to those servers, it allows someone in Seattle to load up most parts of your website from a server close by to Seatle. Likewise, if someone in the Netherlands loads up your website, a copy of most of the content is pushed on to a CDN server in the Netherlands and they load your site up as though they were local to the server. This cuts down a lot of transport time. Price wise, 1TB of traffic is valid for a single year at costs just $39.95. That low cost and high amount of traffic more than compensates due to the better experience your visitors get. If you run ads, you’ll likely also see revenues increase as well. In my experience, the quicker the page load time, the better the conversion because people like fast loading websites.

    With MaxCDN and W3 Total Cache, the service is simple to set up and can be fully configured within an hour of purchasing the service. You also get the added benefit of setting up different domain names for the cdn so that you can have,, The reason you do this is because it spreads images, JS and CSS files around the different host names and speeds up page load. Typically a browser will only load 5 – 8 items at the same time from a single host name. If you have 40 images to download on your page, it will only do them in batches of 5 or so. If you run multiple hostnames it allows several blocks of 5 items to be downloaded simultaneously, thus loading the page faster.

    Use the plugin to Squash Image File Sizes

    A lot of images you will upload will not be as small as they could be. Depending on where you get the images from you might see some that are far bigger than they need to be (referring to file size). Installing a plugin like allows you to automatically smush images with a lossless tool. What that means is that your image filesize might end up being 10% to 90% smaller but yet, look identical. Lossless means it doesn’t lose any clarity when being compressed.

    If you have an image heavy site, run the images through to cut down filesize. This of course means that a user has a lot less to download, and therefore the page will load quicker.

    I also recommend grabbing all your theme images and running them through the tool linked above.

    In Closing

    Although each step only shaves a bit here and a bit there, it’s the combination of all these things that can make a site load in 2 seconds as opposed to 8 second. It’s difficult to put them in priority order because they each do something different, but my loose order would be caching, Litespeed, MaxCDN followed by smushit.

    Do you have any other advice on what will help speed up a website? Post your ideas in the comments below.

  • How to Login Locally on Windows 7 without Specifying Hostname

    Just a quick tip for today. I found my self fixing a problem earlier that required I logged out as a user and back in as an admin and back in as a user to test etc… Although the Windows 7 PC was attached to a domain, I didn’t want to log in with a domain account. Instead, I had two local accounts set up. One in the admin group and the other in the users group.

    The typical way of not logging in to the domain is by entering the following in the username box:


    After a while this can get a little tedious, especially as the hostname was a mix of country and serial number. A quick work around is to simply type in:


    Putting the . before the username instructs Windows 7 to log the user in locally rather than on to the domain.

    I figured if you run in to the same problems sometime that this might be of benefit to you.

  • Why iOS Users Update far Quicker than Android Users

    Each time a new version of iOS launches, a huge number of iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users quickly grab the update. The adoption rate is quite amazing and in fact, it has got better since iOS 5 launched last year due to over the air updates being available.

    Chitika has done some analysis of the numbers and found that within the first 48 hours that 25% of iOS devices were running iOS 6. Comparing that to the latest version of Android which is currently Jelly Bean 4.1, we see a HUGE difference in uptake. At the moment Jelly Bean is only on 1.2% of devices and it has been available far longer than 48 hours. In fact, it has been available since early July this year.

    So why do iOS users update far quicker than Android users? There are a couple of reasons for this. Let me explain below:

    First, Apple control all hardware and software for iOS and the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. This means that there are only a handful of devices available and as Apple have built those few devices they can quickly make compatible versions for all the latest generations which is currently the iPhone 3GS up to the iPhone 5 as well as the iPad 2 and 3. All except the latest generation of the iPhone run the same screen size although the 3GS has a lot lower PPI. But, we are talking about 2 screen sizes and 3 different resolutions which isn’t many (for the iPhone that is).

    Second, Apple doesn’t let carriers control the updates. All updates are pushed out by Apple either over the air or via a download in iTunes.

    If we quickly compare that to Android:

    First, many hardware manufacturers create devices that run the Android operating system. As of May this year there were apparently 3,997 different devices that run the operating system. Each have one of many screen resolutions and sizes which need to be taken in to consideration.

    Second, carriers often control the updates for Android devices on their networks. The reason is that they each need to adapt the software to be more compatible as well as bake in changes to make it a “Sprint” device for example. The main group of users who get the latest seems to fall in the line of those that run an official Google Nexus device of the latest or previous generation. Most others get updates, if at all, months later.

    Although this is just an unfortunate way of how it works on Android… ie, the diversity of devices and manufacturers and carriers, it does show the benefit of a single operating system running on a handful of devices all updatable on the same day. The downside for Apple of course is that users get little in the way of diversification. You typically get stuck on a similar device that runs the same OS that cannot be customised too much, unless you jailbreak of course.

    The Apple model works great for many, think 5 million sales of the iPhone 5 last weekend, while for Android, it works great for those users because they get to customise their device and choose from a plethora of different devices of which one will suit their needs.

    What OS do you prefer and why? Does the easiness of the Apple updates… ie, knowing your device will probably get it, make you sway towards Apple? Lets not get in to any fanboy type stuff here. It really is OK for someone to prefer Apple while another prefer Android although I’m still interested to know which OS you prefer and why.

  • What Not Provided in Google Analytics Search Data Means

    If you run your own website/blog and use Google Analytics to track the data, you should now be seeing in your organic keyword list a label of (not provided) which will likely be at the top of the list accounting for a large percentage of traffic. If you watch your analytics account regularly you might also have noticed that this number seems to be constantly increasing in percentage share of all keyword searches. The image below shows what one particular keyword search shows:

    For those of you who use the keyword list to find related topics to write about, it seems that Google is ironing this practice out a little.

    The changes began happening on the 18th October 2011 when Google made the switch from to for users that are signed in to the service. Notice the https on the latter which means that all searches done are secure when users are logged in which in turn means that the keyword data is not passed on to Google Analytics. A graph showing the effect can be seen in the image below. Note that the flat line seen at the left (oldest date) is completely flat for years before and suddenly starts ramping up on the 18th October 2012 although it seems to take a few days for the effect to kick in.

    Also notice that sometime in March that there is another large increase (perhaps double) suddenly. This I cannot track right now, but is possibly related to a particular popular browser forcing all Google users to the https version and thus, obscuring more keyword information.

    What can you do with the (not provided) data?

    Although you wont be able to see the keyword information as Google doesn’t add this to Analytics for HTTPS searches, what you can still see is a breakdown of what pages were viewed. To do this you can click on the (Not Provided) link found in the organic keyword search information and then see the graph above. Just below the graph are several boxes which one of them is called “Secondary dimension”. Click on this option and type in Landing Page in the little search box and then click on the Landing Page box that appears just below. What you will see next is a list of landing pages each with (Not Provided) to the left of them. If you run a high traffic website where various pages have 1000’s of visits over a few months then you will probably notice that the top set of the pages tends to be in the same order as the ones with keywords (your top pages report). But, with lower traffic sites, or the pages that don’t get viewed much on a high traffic site, you still might find some insight in to what type of content you should be adding to your site.

  • Google will soon drop support for IE8 on Google Apps – XP users take note

    Google is keeping to its promise by dropping support for Internet Explorer 8 on Google Apps. The reason for this dates back to a blog post made last year when Google stated that only the current version and immediate prior version will be supported of any browser. At the moment that means both IE8 and IE9 are supported. Next month Microsoft will be launching Internet Explorer 10 (26th Oct 2012) which means that supported versions after that on Google Apps will be IE9 or IE10 with support for IE8 dropping out.

    Dropping IE8 could cause problems for some users

    Dropping a version of a browser isn’t really big news as it only prompts the user to update to a more modern, faster and more secure version of the browser. The problem lies with Windows XP… you see, the latest version of Internet Explorer that will run on that operating system is Internet Explorer 8. At the moment, 42% of Windows users are on XP which means that a large number of them will struggle to access Google Apps. Although Apps will likely work there will be some functions that will not and as time goes on and technology advances there will be more warnings and errors as well as things that simply do not work within apps.

    What can XP users do to carry on working with Google Apps?

    There are several options. If you use Windows XP at home then one option is to install another browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. The latest versions of those will run and will fully support Google Apps on Windows XP.

    If you are a corporate user then unfortunately you are at the mercy of your IT team and management above them. Some companies might already have plans in place, specifically those companies that utilise Google Apps. An option here is to also install one of the other browsers, but some companies will not allow you to do that yourself.

    Perhaps the easiest option is to use a “new to me” plugin called Google Chrome Frame. Google Chrome Frame is a free plugin that gets installed on older versions of Internet Explorer and allows you to use those older versions of IE while utilising more modern web browser features. As the name suggests, you are running Google Chrome in a frame on Internet Explorer.

    In my opinion, the best option is to try install another browser such as Chrome and if that doesn’t work, try use the Google Chrome Frame plugin mentioned above.

    As for the lifespan of Windows XP, Microsoft has currently listed the end of life data as April 2014 which means that after that point there will be no more security updates and development work done. Perhaps now is a good time to plan saving for a new computer within the next 18 or so months although I have to admit that I still use Windows XP on some computers and still think it works extremely good. It’s a shame to see it killed off although in 2014 it is far over a decade old which is quite an impressive life span.

  • iPhone 5 Orders now Shipping in 2 – 3 Weeks

    I mentioned yesterday that the iPhone 5 was announced recently. Today the pre-orders went active around 8am in the UK. Within just a few hours, the first batch of pre-orders have now sold out. This means that any pre-orders made now will be shipped 2 – 3 weeks after the release date of September 21.

    How can you get an iPhone 5 at launch?

    Obviously the online Apple store is not an option, so what I would suggest you take one of the following options:

    1.)Queue up at the store on the morning of launch. Apple stores tend to have more stock than non-Apple stores, so your best bet is to wait in line. Some who are extreme queue up for days before the event and camp out, but having attended the iPhone 4 launch my self, it took just a few hours in a queue from arriving at the time the shop opened.

    2.)You could try the various carriers. A number of them such as Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile and O2 will be selling the device although at the moment it isn’t clear when they will be shipping out the new smartphone to users. This might be an option should you want it on contract to lessen the blow of the £529 price tag.

    3.)Try an Apple reseller. These stores in the UK are occasionally tucked away in a corner somewhere and queues can be a lot lower. Some even take reservations over the phone if you let them know which model you get.

    Other than that, you might be able to pick one up at somewhere like Carphone warehouse although I suggest you hunt around.

    As with all, or most, iPhone launches, Apple runs out of stock quite quickly so in the future it’s best to just try and order as soon as pre-orders open up if you want to avoid queues and have the device delivered to your door.

  • What to do if a Dropbox Device is Stolen

    I wrote a couple of weeks back about two-step authentication that was added to Dropbox and how it can make your Dropbox account more secure. Two-step authentication is only part of the challenge though and only protects you from people trying to break in to your account. What happens when one of your Dropbox devices is stolen? Unfortunately the results can be grim depending on how secure you have kept the device that was stolen although there is hope for iOS and Android users. Let me take you through a quick guide on what you can do to make things a little safer and potentially remotely remove files that are stored in Dropbox on that device that was stolen.

    First things first, all aspects of security need to be thought about. Remember that if you run Dropbox on a Mac or Windows laptop or desktop computer then ALL files are typically copied locally unless you specify otherwise. This means that if someone gets your computer and you have no password or a week password then the intruder can simply open up your local Dropbox folder and have access.

    My first quick recommendation is log in to Dropbox on the web (if you use two-step authentication then make sure you already have your backup password if your phone that gets the authentication code is the one that is stolen). When logged in, click your name at the top right and then on Settings. When the settings have loaded up, go to the Security tab and unlink the device so that it is no longer connected to your account. Unfortunately, this doesn’t include a remote wipe, so if they have access to files then you are simply preventing them from accessing your online Dropbox account and making any changes.

    I recommend full-disk encryption

    When laptop or desktop devices are stolen I more worry about the data that is stored than the device that is stolen. If I have good enough backups then the computer can be replaced and although annoying and leaving you with a vulnerable feeling, your data is safe. But, if you have no backup and lose your data, that is way more costly.

    There is a risk with storing information anywhere. If information isn’t protected correctly then potentially anybody can gain access to it. This is why I recommend you use encryption. I personally use full disk encryption on the Mac although if you just want to keep files in a secure folder, you could potentially just secure that particular folder. For more information on why it is important to secure your device with a password and encrypt the data, take a read of my full disk encryption post. This also includes instructions or links to instructions on how you could secure your data.

    Should an encrypted device with a good password be stolen then you can take more comfort in the fact that the intruder will likely just reformat the device and use the hardware. In a lot of cases the intruder is interested in the hardware.

    What if your iOS or Android Dropbox device is stolen?
    Luckily with iOS the device doesn’t store files locally (typically). By simply using the unlink method mentioned above you can disconnect your stolen iPad or iPhone from Dropbox and when the intruder loads up the app they VERY briefly see a list of folders and files but in less than a second they are taken back to the login/register screen.

    The same, I believe, is the case for Android although I have been unable to test as I have no available Android device. Users on the Dropbox forum indicate that Android will also be presented a registration screen when the device is unlocked.

    Another option, and one that all iOS users should have active, is Find my iPhone which comes part of and is built-in for free on iOS 4+ devices in the mail/calendar settings menu. Activate this and if your device is stolen you can track it, lock it, remotely wipe it or set an alarm on it with a message. My preferred method is to use an 8-digit pin (company restrictions mandate this to get email). I’d first unlink from Dropbox as it’s quick and easy. I’d then remotely lock with a stronger password and track for a while and if no luck with that, I’d initiate a remote wipe.

    Either way, if your iOS device running Dropbox is stolen a simply unlink in Dropbox’s web interface will clear the contents for you.

    How to prepare now

    Although the chances are that you are reading this because of a Dropbox device being stolen, hopefully it can bring some hope in that if you are on Android or iOS then you can simply unlink. But, if you are reading this and your device hasn’t been stolen then go enable two-step authentication now and look at adding passwords to all devices as well as encryption and backups where possible. It’s all about preventing access both virtual through a hack or physical through encryption to ensure that your data doesn’t get in to the wrong hands.

  • YouTube Returns to the iPhone

    It’s actually difficult to say that YouTube was taken away from the iPhone because technically it hasn’t been taken away yet for regular users. But, as soon as Apple release iOS 6, which could be as early as tomorrow, the built-in YouTube app will be gone. It was taken away at some point in the beta version of iOS 6 due to the contract between Google and Apple ending. Well, it is now coming back thanks to an app released by Google on the App Store today.

    The good news with this version of the app is that it looks extremely good. YouTube on the iPhone has been the same ever since the launch of the iPhone. The new version makes accessing YouTube feel a little more up to date. It runs smooth, has a number of new features built-in and is actually great to use.

    One thing I find disappointing at the moment is that Google hasn’t released a version for the iPad which could potentially leave users out in the dark when iOS 6 is released. But, there’s still a bit of time for Google to remedy this. My personal thoughts are that Google is just taking a bit of extra time due to the difference in screen size. The YouTube app on iPhone is far different to the version on the iPad and Google will need to take this in to consideration.

    Of course, not only YouTube is being removed from iOS 6. Another big app which is part of the iPhone and iPad line is Google Maps with street view built-in. Simply put, Google Maps will be gone when iOS 6 is released as Apple has replaced Google Maps with its own mapping technology. This also means that the very handy Street View is gone. It is likely that Google will also release a Google Maps app for iOS 6 within the next few weeks. I believe that many people will download it. Google has years of experience with mapping technology and street view is extremely handy for getting more perspective on a place you are trying to find.

    Apple Maps are not bad though. Essentially, it’s another mapping system. A few novelty features include the 3D flyover which looks amazing (Google now offers this as well). Also, the vector based maps work extremely well. iOS users will also benefit from the navigation functions built-in. Google withheld navigation from iOS users (not sure why… could be so that Android had the upper edge or that the contract simply didn’t allow it). Either way, iOS 6 users will get navigation with Apple Maps although note that it is only current generation devices only. From my understanding, iPhone 4 and older and iPad 1 (possibly 2 as well) also do not get it.

    I look forwards to what Apple is announcing tomorrow. We should hear more of iOS 6, but also another important one is the iPhone 5 that is expected.

  • WordPress 3.4.2 Update now Available

    One of the most important things you can do for your WordPress blog is keep it updated to the latest version of the software. The company behind WordPress make it quite a simple process to update thanks to the site structure and how the update package is provided.

    You have a few options on how to upgrade. The easiest, but it does carry a bit of risk, is to use the automatic update service. If you are already running on version 3 of WordPress then the top tool bar should show a small icon next to your site name with a number next to the icon. This will show you how many updates are currently available. Updates that WordPress detects are core updates to the software as well as plugin updates and some theme updates. Click on the icon to proceed to the next screen.

    When the next screen is showing, you will see it divided in to 3 sections. The top section is for the major updates to WordPress… ie, the core files. If you are running the latest version WordPress will tell you so but still give you the option to re-install over the top of the current install, or download copy of the files in zip format. The re-install is a handy way of refreshing the core files and can be used from time to time including times when you think your blog may have been hacked. A re-install of the software can wipe out some damage done by hackers although not all hackers attack the core files.

    The second section is for plugins. If WordPress detects that you have plugins that are out of date then this is the place to update them. If you want to do all at once then click Select All and then click on the update button.

    Below that you will find theme updates. I have only ever seen WordPress themes in there and not custom themes, so if you want updates for those you might want to check with the site you purchased or downloaded your theme from.

    Risks of using automatic updates

    Some of the risks involved with automatic updates includes file permissions. To get it working you might need to elevate permissions a little on your server. By doing this, you are more susceptible to attacks, so proceed with caution. Also with automatic updates they happen extremely quickly, which is a bonus in some ways, but if you want to reverse your decision it is always too late within a fraction of a second of hitting the update button. This could potentially wipe out any custom changes you have made.

    Make a backup before updating

    One way to cut down on risks is to make sure you are keeping regular backups of your content. I’ll go in to this in a lot more detail in a later post, but if you have backups, and keep multiple backups, you can more easily roll back any changes that an automatic update makes. Sometimes this can be a life saver although in most cases, actually in all cases for me, I have found the automatic way to be a good enough way forwards.

    Manual updates

    Another option to update is to do it manually. To do it this way you’ll need FTP access to your blog. This is also a little beyond the scope of this post but I will cover it in more detail in the future.

    Why update

    WordPress is updated by the team behind it for many reasons. One of the reasons is that they want to add more features to the software to make WordPress a better solution for its users. Another reason WordPress gets updated, and perhaps the most important, is that software is vulnerable to attacks. As weaknesses are found by hackers, WordPress needs to be kept updated to close those security loop holes. WordPress 3.4.2 was just released today and simply fixed a number of security holes that have been found within the software.

    Expect to need to upgrade your blog every few months on average. The process tends to always be painless although it still doesn’t mean that you should prepare just in case some unique modification you have made or some obscure plugin you use isn’t compatible.

  • iPlayer for iOS now Allows you to Download Content

    The BBC has updated its iPlayer app for iOS devices. The biggest change is that the app now lets you download content over WiFi for viewing while off line. The app lets you download content for up to 30 days at a time.

    There isn’t much more to say about the app other than a recommendation to grab it, if you’re eligible to download it (ie, pay a fee or be in the UK). The app plays any content from the iPlayer service and with the download option added, makes it handy for WiFi or WiFi+3G owners who might want to catch up with a show whilst on the move.

    You can grab the app from the Apple App Store or via the iTunes App Store on your Mac or PC.