Welcome to newill.dev. This is my blog about dev in general, from the books I read to the code I write and the side-projects I am building. My life is pretty full of adventure and responsibilities, such as being married, having five children, ages 14 and under, and responsibilities in my church life.
This blog will cover how I work and what I am learning.
Speaking of the books I read, they are not often programming related, although my aim in the coming years is to venture more into reading books, such as The Pragmatic Programmer, and write short reviews about what I read and how it has helped me in my career.
As well as reading programming books, I may share reviews of other books if there is some relation to how I work and how it helps me day today be a better developer or better at how I work.
I’m working on a couple of things for my side projects right now. One is a note-taking app explicitly aimed at meetings and how action points are captured and followed up. The need for the app has arisen from my responsibilities over the last 20 years of being in meetings and capturing the essential things discussed. I aim to create a more simple way that works for me and, in the process, perhaps help others.
For now, comments are left open, so please ask questions, and I’ll endeavour to reply promptly.
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